capsizal[kæp'saizəl]n. 傾覆
capsizal 傾覆;capsizal capsize keel over overturn tip turn turtle upset 傾覆;
1.During the processes, the container-truck strikes the guardrail twice and nearly capsizes, then recovers from the capsizal and separates from the guardrail; 對車輛的碰撞過程進行了描述:車輛在碰撞過程中發生了二次碰撞並且有傾覆現象,最後車輛恢復正位,順利沿護欄導出;
2.Proceed with the robot"s move qualification, analyse and study the capsizal capability, the dynamics problem of driving cable, the force and speed of the robot at the turning." 從履帶式機器人的行走條件入手,對其抗傾覆能力、拖纜力、機器人轉彎時的力與速度進行了分析與研究,並建立了機器人運動學方程。
3.And the paper according to project experience, finite element analysis result propose a new method to caculate the resist capsizal factor of cement structure to prop up to nail. 借助有限元方法並在前人研究的基礎上,對水泥土攪拌樁支護結構的一些參數進行分析,以及對支護結構位移的影響。