Gessler 斯勒;斯拉;
1.Gessler turned red with anger. He then thought of a plan to punish William Tell . 蓋斯靳氣得臉紅了。後來,他想了一個計劃來懲罰威廉-泰爾。
2.He sent a special governor to Altorf, a man named Gessler, who would rule with a firm hand. 他往阿爾托夫城派了一個特別總督---一個名叫蓋斯靳的人,這個人要用鐵的手腕來統治。
3.Although most of the people bowed to Gessler, they spat into the dirt as they did so(=bowed to Gessler). 雖然大部分人都向蓋斯勒鞠躬,但是他們一邊鞠躬,一邊想泥土上吐唾沫。