mispronunciations['misprə,nʌnsi'eiʃən]n. 發音錯誤
1.When I play back the text, please listen carefully to see whether there are any mispronunciations in it. 我放課文錄音時請仔細聽著,看看裡面有沒有發音錯誤。
2." At one such event, Bush even brought along his "double" comedian Steve Bridges, to make fun of his frequent mispronunciations. 在一個類似活動中,布什甚至帶來了他的「替身」喜劇演員SteveBridges來拿自己頻繁讀音失誤開玩笑。
3.A caveat: My ear may be abnormally sensitive to mispronunciations since in college I developed an unnatural affinity for linguistics (can you say "Get a life?" 前言:自從上大學以後,我的耳朵就對發錯音異常敏感,以致發展成對語言特別具有親近感(你能說獲得生活嗎?)