press-gang 強徵入伍;
1.Qin Gang concluded the press conference by sharing a water-saving tip with the audience. 記者會結束時,秦剛說,我給大家介紹一個節水提示。
2.YU Qi-Xing, ZHAO Gang Introduction to human genetics. Beijing: China Higher Education Press; 余其興,趙剛。人類遺傳學導論。北京:高等教育出版社;
3.If tomorrow I told the press that, like, a gang-banger will get shot, or a truck load of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics…because it's all part of the plan. 打個比方,如果明天我對記者說,有黑幫人員要被射殺,或者一卡車的士兵被炸飛,不會有半個人感到恐慌……因為這都是計劃的一部分。