spanwise['spænwaiz]adj. 順翼展方向的
spanwise 沿翼展方向的;翼展方向;沿翼展方向的 交通;spanwise lift 展向升力;展開升力;spanwise lift distribution 展向升力分佈;
1.The author modifies spanwise shape and makes the analog function of the aerofoil curve by use of the computer. 利用計算機來輔助葉片葉展形狀的修正和構造翼型曲線的模擬函數。
2.The spanwise distribution of lift for minimum induced drag of wings having a given lift and a given bending moment. 分佈展升降機最低誘導阻力的機翼有鑒於一部升降機和彎曲某一特定時刻。
3.The spanwise movement and mixing of vortices on the blade suction surface towards the mid-span was stronger due to the effect of the increased positive bowed angle. 葉展中部流動分離的加重導致集中渦系破裂,從而引起流道內氣流的嚴重堵塞,這是損失激增的主要原因,因此,要在高負荷壓氣機葉柵中應用正彎葉片,必須有效抑制中部流動的惡化。