a. grandiloquent ,improbable ,magniloquent ,marvellous
a. short
tall[tɔ:l]adj. 高的;長的;過分的;誇大的adv. 誇大地
tall 高的;高的,長的;高佻型;高杯;tall price 高價;tall slim 高瘦;tall talk 大話;言過其實的話;牛皮;talk tall 吹牛;說大話;
1.There are tall buildings in the city. 有高大的建築物在開原市裡。
2.I could see a tall figure near the door. 我可以看見門旁有一個高大的人影。
3.The tall one is. 個頭高的那個是。
Is that tall or average or what? - 這樣尺寸是高呢, 還是普通, 或者算怎樣?
I wanted to say at first the tall one, or the one with blond hair. - 剛開始我會介紹說金髮的。
New York is famous for its tall buildings. - 紐約以高樓大廈而聞名。
My brother is twice as tall as your sister. - 我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。
Is he the tall man on the left? - 他是在左邊上的高個嗎?
A tall tree is struck by lightning. - 大樹被閃電擊中了。
I'm not tall enough. - 我還不夠高。
The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level. - 隧道就具備了良好的通風條件。
By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. - 到1884年,一座高度達151英尺的雕像在巴黎豎立起來了。
Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings. - 當然,紐約是進行這種有趣的試驗的一個理想的地方,因為那裡根本不缺乏高樓大廈,有的是高層的窗檻從上往下墜落。
In the centre of the hall, there were a number of tall structures which contained coloured lights. - 展廳中央是裝有彩色燈泡的許多高高的構件,
It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle, - 井架必須很高,因為它像一個巨型滑輪組。
chasms wider than the Grand Canyon and at least one mountain more than twice as tall as Everest. - 比大峽谷還寬的裂縫,起碼有一座山有珠穆朗瑪峰的近兩倍高。
I live in a tall building in the city of Beijing. - 我住在北京市的一幢高樓裡。
John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto. - 約翰是加拿大人。他住在多倫多市的一幢高樓裡。
I live in a tall building in the middle of the city.What about you? - 我住在這個城市中心的一幢高樓裡。你呢?
A man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there. - 有一個人住在莫斯科城的高樓裡。 他喜歡住那兒。
We chose a big one. It is almost as tall as the room. - 我們選了一棵大的。它幾乎和房間一樣高。
Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings. - 曼合頓島是由堅固的岩石構成的,這使得興建大廈非常安全。
A few days later about 140 black people were taken and put on a tall sailing ship waiting off the coast. - 幾天以後,大約140名黑人被帶到一艘停靠在海岸邊的大帆船上。
tall oil - 妥爾油
tall regular weighing bottle - 高型稱量瓶