tulan. 圖拉(蘇聯西部城市)
Tula 圖拉;拉市;土拉;杜拉;Tanda Tula 唐韃圖拉;Tula Oblast 圖拉州;Tula Arsenal 圖拉兵工廠;俄羅斯圖拉軍械廠;Tula Gol 圖勒河;
1.Nielli (objects decorated with niello) were produced in ancient Rome and 9th-century England. In Russia niello work is known as Tula work. 黑金製品(帶黑金鑲嵌裝飾的物品)由古羅馬人和9世紀的英國人製造。在俄國黑金鑲嵌製品稱為圖拉工藝品。
2.Serpuhov is by now occupied by a detachment of the enemy, and Tula, with its famous arsenal, of such importance to the army, is in danger. 謝爾普霍夫已經被敵人的一支部隊佔領,圖拉及其著名的、我軍不可缺少的兵工廠也處在危險之中。
3.Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stunned workers at a weapons factory in Tula when he gave away an expensive Swiss watch to a weapons manufacturing factory worker. 俄羅斯總理普京近日前往圖拉參觀當地的一家兵工廠時,竟被該工廠一名工人要走了手腕上的瑞士名表。