wittier['witi]adj.witty的變形adj. 情趣橫溢的;詼諧的[廢語、方言]明智的;聰明的;有才智的(服裝等)設計巧妙的近義詞: facetious , humorous , jocular , jocose反義詞:serious , sober , solemn變形: wittier , wittiest
1.With enough practice, you won't need to think of witty things to say, you will simply BE a wittier person. 經過足夠的練習,你不必再刻意的想些詼諧的事情,而是自己就成為了一個機敏的人。
2.For people who are less conservative, Jack's stereotypical behavior might not be seen as negative. In fact, Jack is a funnier, and wittier character than Will. 更開明的人們則並不認為傑克的舉止是個反面教材,反之他實際上比威爾要有趣的多,也睿智得多。
3.We are in the process of finding out more about it. " One of the newspaper's own online commentators had a wittier retort: "Sorry, folks, the paper isn't free. 《紐約時報》的一位女發言人說:「這顯然是個惡作劇,目前我們正在對該事件進行調查。」