a. checkered ,chequered ,curbed
Checked[tʃekt]adj. 選中的;格子花紋的v. 檢查(check的過去式和過去分詞)
checked 受阻的;選中的;復選;制止;checked by 初審;審核;覆核;初審 本文章來自:博研聯盟論壇;checked twill 陰陽斜紋;分區斜紋,陰陽斜紋;陰陽斜紋checked pongee 格子繭綢;checked towel 彩格毛巾;
1.By default these checkboxes are not checked and we do not show items with no data. 默認狀態下這些復選框是沒有選中的,所以我們不會顯示沒有數據的項目。
2.Page automatically checked out and back in as part of a save page or publish web operation. 網頁已作為保存網頁或發佈網站操作中的一部分自動簽出並再次簽入。
3.You learn that management had to insist that the interface definitions be checked into version control after the first code freeze. 你認識到在管理上必須堅持:在第一次代碼凍結後必須審查接口定義,然後放入版本控制。
All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go. - 我的行李都檢查完了,看來我可以走了。
Someone just checked out. - 有一個人剛剛結帳走了。
I checked my baggage in the baggage section. - 我在行李房托運行李。
Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. - 格林尼治天文台的官員們每天兩次派人矯正此鐘。
The inspector began to look for fingerprints, while the constable checked that the front door locks had not been forced, - 巡官開始搜尋指紋,警察經檢查發現大門鎖頭並無撬過的跡象。
I checked our supply of that material you asked for. - 我查過了庫存中你要的那種材料。