Kalamazoo 卡拉馬祖;卡拉馬祖 (密歇根州);Kalamazoo County 卡拉馬祖縣;Kalamazoo College 卡拉馬祖學院;Kalamazoo College MI 卡拉馬祖學院;San Manuel-Kalamazoo 聖馬紐埃-卡拉馬祖;
1.In 1984, before closing Kalamazoo Kalamazoo factory factory factory and Nashville Gibson is the main production base. 在1984年卡拉馬祖工廠關閉前,卡拉馬祖工廠和納什維爾工廠一直是吉布森公司主要的生產基地。
2.A city of southern Michigan east of Kalamazoo. Breakfast cereals and other food products are important to its economy. Population, 53, 540. 巴特爾克裡克:美國密歇根州南部一城市,位於卡拉馬祖。該城市的主要經濟是燕麥和其他糧食作物的生產。人口53,540。
3.Xu Guoqi of Kalamazoo College in Michigan and the author of a book on China and the Olympics said that soccer would only improve after the rule of law was established in China. 密西根卡拉馬祖大學的徐國企說,中國只有在法律健全後足球水平才能提高。