schungite['ʃuŋɡait]n. 次石墨;不純石墨
schungite 半石墨;次石墨;不純石墨;硬瀝青;
1.sunshine through the room long windows, coolers, schungite general decline in the water Fangzhuan. 陽光透過廳堂長窗、花牆,水一般的瀉在青灰的方磚上。
2.blockade region is a deeply about 2 metres, 1. 5 metres in diameter about the size of semicircle Tai Hang, inside that schungite cement road and ocher. 封鎖區域內有一個深約2米、直徑約1。5米大小的半圓大坑,裡邊可見青灰的水泥路面和黃土。
3.Xuanti the schungite hall on the first floor, the piano and side tables with pillows dark brown, grey and white piano behind parallel to the mood as very short-very short. 一樓正廳旋梯的青灰,鋼琴與茶几連同靠墊的深啡色,鋼琴背後的灰與白的並行,將心情盡可能調得很淡很淡。