acajou['ækəʒu:]n. 腰果;[植]桃花心木
acajou 桃花心木;非洲桃花芯;桃花心木色的;Acajou Theme 桃花心木主題曲;acajou mahogany 桃花心木;one love carved in acajou 愛意鐫寫在桃心木上;鑲嵌在桃木的一份真愛;把愛意銘刻在桃心木上;愛意銘刻在桃心木上;
1.on the same thickness, the bond strength of blockboard with Okoume as the surface board is better than Acajou. 相同厚度下,以奧古曼作表板的細木工板膠合強度高於以桃花芯作表板的細木工板。
2.You talk of the break of morning as you view the new aurora, Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven, one love carved in acajou. 你談及破曉的情景你目睹曙光新出,艷紅的雲,天國之鑰,刻在桃花心木的愛。
3.You talk of the break of morning as you view the new aurora, Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven, one love carved in acajou. 你談起了破曉黎明,正如你欣賞著新升的曙光,深紅的雲彩是天堂的徵兆,雕刻在桃花心木中的愛。