montpelliern. 蒙彼利埃(法國南部城市)
Montpellier 蒙彼利埃;蒙比利埃;利埃;裡耶;Novotel Montpellier 諾富特蒙彼利埃酒店;Montpellier I 蒙彼利埃一大;HSC Montpellier 蒙彼利埃;MONTPELLIER HSC 蒙彼利埃;
1.Tutor of Henry of Navarre, the King's first cousin. Born April 20, 1535, in Montpellier. Died March 22, 1536, hanged in his bedroom. 納瓦拉王國的亨利的家庭教師,亨利是國王的最大的堂弟。生於四月20日,1535,蒙彼利埃。死於三月22日,1566,吊死在他的臥室。
2.Ticket reservation: Montpellier ticket is scheduled to provide the opportunity to be the name, date of birth, passport number, passport validity. 機票預定:蒙彼利埃機票預定須提供乘機人姓名,出生年月日,護照號,護照有效期。
3.A conference recently in Montpellier, France was told that Ireland had a 53 percent drop in bees in 2006, Slovenia lost 30 to 35 percent of its bee colonies last year, and Italy 37 percent. 最近在法國蒙貝利耶舉行的會議也透露,2006年愛爾蘭蜜蜂銳減53%,斯洛維尼亞去年蜂群也少了30%到35%,意大利也減少了37%。