mortally['mɔ:təli]adv. 致命地;非常
mortally 致命地;人性上地;臨死;mortally ill 不治之症;fatally mortally vitally 致命地;was mortally wounded 頸和腰受重傷致死;be mortally afraid of death 貪生怕死;
1.Many people do not realize the importance of being healthy until they are mortally ill. 許多人直到得了非常嚴重的疾病時才意識到健康的重要。
2.Warriors a dead life, in all strange things, the people were mortally afraid of death is one of the most strange things. 勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人們的貪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。
3.She picked fights with "frightened zombies", as she called her fellow intellectuals, and yet was mortally offended when anybody dared to criticise her writing. 她常常挑她稱作「嚇壞的殭屍」的同事們的刺,而一旦有人膽敢批評她的作品,她必定暴跳如雷。
He became mortally ill a few months before we had planned to go and, - 就在他計劃回國的前幾個月,他突然身患絕症。