





n. bounce ,fountain ,give ,springtimev. bounce ,bound ,form ,jump


spring[spriŋ]n. 春天;彈簧;泉水;活力;跳躍adj. 春天的vi. 生長;湧出;躍出;裂開vt. 使跳起;使爆炸;突然提出;使彈開


Spring 彈簧;絲柏凌 英國 春天;春天;彈簧效果,彈簧混響器;Spring plate 彈簧座;彈簧盤;彈簧板;彈性板;Spring Tip 頂針;頂 針;頂 針;火石簧頂柱;Returnning spring 復位彈簧;復位;annular spring 環形彈簧;彈簧環;


1.Suddenly a rabbit sprang out of its cave. 突然一隻野兔從洞裡竄了出來。

2.All days of yours are spring days. 你的每一天都是春天的時光。

3.Do you like this poem about spring? 你喜歡描寫春天的這首詩嗎?


I've heard the weather here is ideal, just like spring most of year. - 我聽說這兒的天氣很理想,四季如春。

No, we have the Spring Festival's celebrations with feasts and fireworks. - 不,我們以宴會和焰火慶祝春節。

I'm going to Ft. Lauderdale during spring break. - 在春假時,我打算去'Lauderdale'城堡。

and just enjoy this beautiful spring day. - 盡情享受這美好的春天。

It was on Spring Avenue, near the park. - 那房子是在Spring Avenue 公園附近。

Why do prices always go up during Spring Festival? - 為什麼春節期間很多東西都會漲價?

In China, Spring Festival is the biggest holiday of the year, but in the west Christmas is the biggest. - 中國最大的節日是春節,西方最大的節日是聖誕節。

In the Spring and Autumn period, copper and iron chopsticks came into being. - 在春秋時代又出現了銅製和鐵製的筷子。

This spring is the origin of the brook. - 這泉水是那條小河的源頭。

The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. - 中國國,最重要的節日是春節。

The Spring Festival lasts half a month until the Lantern Festival comes. - 春節要持續半個月左右,直到無宵節來為止。

An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. - 不良的婚姻是惡運的來源。

I like spring and summer.The days are long and the night are short.The sun rises early and sets late. - 我最喜歡春季和夏季。因為此時白天長而夜晚短,太陽升得早而落得遲。

Last spring my wife suggested that I call in a man to look at our lawn mower. - 今年春天,妻子讓我請人檢查一下我家的割草機。

There is only enough spring water to supply the needs of the houses, so we have to pump from the river for farm use. - 泉水只能滿足家庭生活用水,因此我們必須從河裡抽水以用於農業生產。

In much of China, spring is usually very short. - 在中國的許多地方,春天通常很短。

The best time to come to China is in spring or autumn. - 到中國來,最好的時間是在春天或者秋天。

In England, too, spring is longer.Spring in England can last from late March to May. - 英國的春天也較長,能夠從3月下旬延續到5月。

So when it's spring in China, it is autumn in Australia. - 因此,當中國是春天的時候,澳大利亞則是秋天。

It was a cold spring morning in the city of London in England. - 英國倫敦,一個寒冷的春天的早晨。


n. cold forming spring steel - 冷成型彈簧鋼

n. cold forming spring steel - 冷成形彈簧鋼

n. adjustable spring gage - 可調式彈簧定位裝置

n. adjustable spring gage - 可調彈簧儀

n. spring temper - 回彈傾向

n. spring back angle - 回彈角

n. spring back angle - 回彈角度

n. spring cushion - 彈性墊

n. spring contact arc welding - 彈性接觸電弧焊

n. spring cushion - 彈性緩衝墊

n. spring hammer - 彈性錘

n. spring brass - 彈性黃銅

spring eye needle - 彈機孔縫合針

n. spring loaded blank bolder - 彈簧加載式坯件夾持器

pinch cock; pinchcock; spring clip - 彈簧夾

n. spring pilot - 彈簧導向器

n. spring side gage cam - 彈簧式側邊定位楔塊

spring lancet - 彈簧式刺血針

n. spring stock gage - 彈簧式坯料定位裝置

n. spring stock guide - 彈簧式導料板

n. spring stripper - 彈簧式脫模機

spring arch clasp - 彈簧弓卡環

n. spring ejector - 彈簧彈射器

spring suspension exerciser - 彈簧懸掛訓練器

n. spring finger - 彈簧爪式定位裝置

spring balance - 彈簧秤

spring puncture needle - 彈簧采血針

n. spring metal - 彈簧金屬

n. spring steel - 彈簧銅

spring ligament - 彈簧韌帶

n. spring brass - 彈簧黃銅

n. spring ejector - 彈力噴射器

n. spring welding - 彈力式焊接

n. spring type stripper - 彈動式卸料板

n. spring gage - 手按彈簧定位裝置

n. spring gage - 手按彈簧擋塊

n. Strippit spring unit - 斯特皮特彈簧裝置

spring and summer are of yang nature - 春夏屬陽

spring catarrh; vernal conjunctivitis - 春季卡他

spring ophthalmia - 春季卡他性眼炎

spring wheat - 春小麥

forest spring encephalitis; russian forest-spring encephalitis - 森林腦炎

aq font; aqua fontana; spring water - 泉水

sanitation of spring water - 泉水衛生

hot spring sanitarium - 溫泉療養院

n. hot forming spring steel - 熱成形彈簧鋼

jade spring powdeer - 玉泉散

mineral spring sanatorium - 礦泉療養院

n. spring side gage cam - 簧式側向卡規凸輪

n. spring stock gage - 簧式台規


n.自流泉 - artesian spring

n.副簧 - auxiliary spring

螺旋彈簧,螺簧 - coil spring

n.森林腦炎 - forest spring encephalitis

n.溫泉 - hot spring

n.溫泉療養院 - hot spring sanitarium

n.玉泉散 - jade spring powdeer

n.礦泉 - mineral spring

n.礦泉療養院 - mineral spring sanatorium

礦物質根源性治療 - mineral spring treatment

n.石英彈簧 - quartz spring

春夏腦炎 - Russian spring and summer cerebritis

n.蘇聯遠東型腦炎 - russian spring summer enecphalitis

n.泉水衛生 - sanitation of spring water

單式彈性 - simple spring

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