deep fry deep-fry deepfry 油炸;deep fry deep-fry deepfry 油炸;deep fry deep-fry deepfry 油炸;stir fry 快炒、大火炒;炒青菜;一邊攪拌,一邊炒;快炒、的大火炒;Stir-Fry Julienne 金菇三絲;
1.Heat wok with oil. Stir fry onion and capsicums for 1 min. Turn off fire. Add meat and black-colored sachet of spices. Stir fry for another 1 min. Serve hot. 熱鍋,加入生油。再將大洋蔥
2.Heat 2 tbsp of oil to stir-fry the pork. When the pork curls and the fat shrinks, put in the green pepper and stir-fry slightly. Scoop out the mixture and set aside. 燒油2湯匙,爆炒肉片,當腩肉捲起,肥肉部份收縮,加入青椒炒數下,即可盛起備用。
3.Heat ginger slice in the oil, add red bell pepper and stir fry. Add the broccoli and tofu and lightly stir fry. Add salt, pepper, and mushroom seasoning to taste. 用鍋中剩下的一點油爆香薑片,將紅椒翻炒,再依次倒入西蘭花、豆腐,輕輕翻炒幾下,用鹽、胡椒粉、蘑菇精調味,最後勾簿欠即可。
4.Heat up wok, melt butter in wok. Pour in evaporated curry leaves milk, and stir-fry till boiled, then add the Dolly fish fillet, stir-fry until cooked. 熱鍋後,倒入牛油溶解,加入咖哩葉及淡奶炒至滾,隨後加入小白魚片,拌炒至熟關火。
5.The processing techniques of improving the quality of famous autumn tea were studied, the microwave equipment was applied to stir-fry, and the technological process of the second stir-fry was probed. 本文就提高秋名茶品質的加工工藝進行研究,將微波設備用於殺青,並對二青工序的生產工藝流程進行探索。