westphalian. 威斯特法利亞(德意志聯邦共和國西北部一地區)
Westphalia 西伐利亞;發利亞;西發裡亞;威斯特伐利亞;Westphalia Park 威斯特法利亞公園;Treaties of Westphalia 威斯特伐利亞和約;Treaty of Westphalia 威斯特伐利亞條約;威斯特伐利亞和約;西伐利亞條約;西發裡亞條約;North Rhine-Westphalia 北萊茵-西伐利亞;北威州;北萊恩威斯特法倫州;北威;
1.LIKE Caesar's Gaul, North Rhine-Westphalia is divided into three parts: the rich Rhineland, middling Westphalia and the poor, sooty Ruhr. 和愷撒的高盧地一樣,北萊茵威斯特法倫被一分為三:富饒的萊茵蘭、中等的威斯特法倫和又髒又窮的魯爾。
2.But, for fear of narcotics law violations, it has been banned in Germany after tests by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia showed the drink contains cocaine. 但是,由於擔心毒品違法,它已被禁止在德國試驗當局在北威州顯示,喝含有可卡因。
3.In Germany, where a ban on online gambling came into force last year, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has ordered Betfair, a British firm (see article), to block access to its residents. 去年,德國關於禁止網上賭博的法令開始生效,北萊茵-威斯特法倫州已經規定英國賭博公司必發博彩交易所(點擊看原文)不得對當地居民開放網上賭博。