hern[hə:n]n. 蒼鷺;青鷺
hern 蒼鷺;hern squawk 蒼鷺;hern Island 北愛爾蘭;nick o'hern 尼克-奧赫恩;Yu-Hern Chang 張有恆;
1.But could you not compromise matters, and give up a portion of your fortune to hern? 可你不能妥協一下,分一部分你的財產給她的兒子嗎?
2.Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot hern the neck and set off a bomb. 貝布托夫人是伊斯蘭教國家的第一位女總理,在她離開拉瓦爾品第市的選舉現場時,被槍手射中脖子並遭遇炸彈襲擊。
3.Later with further assistance from IMC, a brick wall church building was constructed. The building was dedicated in the year 1997 by Eld. Chen Hern Tao. 之後,透過印度宣教小組的支援,我們蓋造了一所以磚塊為牆壁的會堂,新會堂在1997年由陳