market-placen. 市場
market-place 市場, 商業中心地;idles of the market-place 市場偶像;in the world market-place 在國際市場;Idols of the Market-place 市場的假象;
1."What should he say, Pearl, " answered Hester, " save that it was no time to kiss, and that kisses are not to be given in the market-place? 「他能說些什麼呢,珠兒?」海絲特回答說,「他只能說,這不是親你的時候,而且也不能在市場上親你。
2.So he had discussions in the Synagogue with the Jews and God-fearing Gentiles, and every day in the market-place with those who were there. 於是在會堂裡,與猶太人,和虔敬的人,並每日在市上所遇見的人辯論。
3.In order to guard against this behavior, our country should perfect the laws, develop efficient stock market-place, and make stock-based incentive mechanism completed. 要防範此類行為,首先必須要完善股權激勵機制,強化激勵機制的約束性,此外還需健全法製法規和培養成熟的股票市場。