squishier['skwiʃi]adj.squishy的變形adj. 濕軟的,粘糊糊的發濺潑聲的,咯吱咯吱作響的變形: squishier , squishiest
1.Earth's middle layer may be squishier than previously thought. 地球的中間層可能比之前預想的更濕、更軟。
2.The rules say the tomatoes hae to be squashed up a little before they are thrown to make them all the squishier. 狂歡規則制定者表示,西紅柿在投擲之前必須稍微地被壓碎,以便它們在投擲過程中更容易出水。
3.The rules say the tomatoes have to be squashed up a little before they are thrown to make them all the squishier. 狂歡規則制定者表示,番茄在投擲之前必須稍微地被壓碎,以便它們在投擲過程中更容易出水。