brickbat['brikbæt]n. 碎磚;批評的話;不遜之言vt. 向…投擲碎磚;譴責
brickbat 貶責的話;碎磚;碎磚, 磚片, 不遜之言, 批評的話, 貶責話;貶責話;brickbat rubble 碎磚;
1.The critics brickbatted the play. 評論家激烈地批評這齣戲。
2.Broken brick road use, are relying on people to pick up or to break his own house after house, smashing the above banla brickbat, the drag on the road. 修路用的碎磚頭,都是老百姓依靠撿拾或者自己家裡破房子上面的半拉碎磚經過砸碎後,拉到公路上的。
3.Wall of one side blue bricks is after outdoors sofa, it is to use common brick to green brickbat is affixed in the surface again after step is good and be become. 戶外沙發後是一面青磚牆,是用普通磚砌好後再在表面貼上青磚片而成。