chateaun. (法國封建時代的)城堡;(尤指法國的)別墅
Chateau 酒莊;城堡;古城廢墟;莊園;Chateau Margaux 瑪哥斯紅葡萄酒;法國瑪歌莊園;瑪歌古堡;Chateau Laguiole 拉吉奧樂;拉吉奧樂城堡;Chateau Figeac 飛卓莊;飛卓莊園;飛卓酒莊;飛香堡;Chateau Lascombes 力士金酒莊;力士金;力士金莊園;力士金莊;
1.We provide the wine list that caters for different kind of wine lover, from house wine to chateau latour, from Italian wine to Australian Wine. 我們酒單上的酒可以滿足不同種類的紅酒愛好者,有來自古堡的藏酒,從意大利到澳洲的藏酒。
2.Elizabeth was enrolled in the International Chateau Lemand, a girl's school situated in the village of Sainte-Blaise, overlooking the lake of Neuchatel. 伊麗莎白被送進了國際勒芒學校。這是一所位於聖布萊斯村,可以俯瞰納夏泰爾湖的女子學校。
3.Pinje-Le-Chateau group asked the technology in application, the effect to and traditional packaging materials, can maintain all product freshness, flavour and character. 賓堡集團要求這項技術在應用時,效果要與傳統包裝材料一樣,可以保持所有產品的新鮮度、風味和特色。