





a. activated ,aroused ,delirious ,emotional


a. unexcited


excited[ik'saitid]adj. 興奮的;激動的;活躍的v. 激動;喚起(excite的過去分詞)


excited 受激;興奮的;興奮;激發的;series excited 串勵;excited by 勵磁;excited ion 受激離子;激發離子;excited center 受激中感;受激中心;


1.My daughter is always excited when I come home. 每當我回到家裡,我女兒總是很興奮。

2.Which season finale are you most excited to watch? 你最希望看到的季結局是哪部片子?

3.The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key. 他的神秘激起了她的好奇心,她的好奇心就像一扇沒有鎖和鑰匙的門。


I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. - 出差這麼久,終於要回家了,我想你一定很高興。

We have both been excited about seeing you - 我們兩個很高興見到

I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa. - 一想到要見到爺爺, 我就覺得興奮。

You know I'm very excited about his arrival. - 知道我對他的到來是多麼興奮。

You sound excited about Columbia. - 聽起來你對Columbia大學躍躍欲試。

I'm kind of excited about going now. - 我現在就想去了。

Aren't you excited about that? - 你不感到興奮嗎?

Are you excited about graduating from high school? - 你從高中畢業會不會感到很興奮呢?

Don't get so excited about it. - 別因為這事兒太激動。

He has never been out of China, so he is very excited about liveing abroad. - 他以前從未出過國,因此對出國很興奮。

What are you so excited about? - 什麼事讓你如此興奮?

Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before. - 薩莉非常激動,因為她從未乘過火車。

We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country. - 我們都非常激動,盼望著奧運會的到來,因為在這個國家裡還從未舉辦過奧運會。

She was too excited to do any housework that morning, - 那天上午,她興奮得什麼家務活都不想做,

So how are you, Wang Bing. Are you excited about your new job? - 你過得怎麼樣,王兵?得到新工作你高興嗎?

I was so excited that I wanted to tell the whole world what we had found. - 我激動得想要告訴全世界我們發現了什麼。

There would be pictures in magazines and newspapers, showing crowds of peope with their cameras and noisy, excited talk. - 報紙和雜誌將刊登出圖片,報紙和雜誌將刊登出圖片,展示那些帶著照相機熙熙攘攘蜂湧而至的人群。

So, celebrate your success, and invite your parents to celebrate with you, however hard it may be for them. If you continue to be excited about your future, you may come to educate your parents in the same way. - 因此,慶賀你的成功,並且邀請你的父母跟你一慶賀,儘管這樣做會讓他們感到難以接受。如果你還在為自己的未來而感到激動的話,你可以慢慢用同樣的辦法說服你的父母。


excited type - 興奮型

excited molecule - 受激分子

excited atom - 受激原子

excited state; excitedstate - 受激態

excited nucleus - 受激核

excited electron - 受激電子

excited ion - 受激離子

strong excited type - 強興奮型

excited atom - 激發原子

excitation state; excited state; excitedstate - 激發態

excited electronic state - 電子激發態


n.強興奮型 - strong excited type


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