1.Lip balm is a moisturizer especially made for your lips. 藥用唇膏是特別為嘴唇製造的濕潤劑。
2.FELICE Lanolin Cream is an ideal moisturizer for mothers also giving them relief from sore or cracked nipples which is so often a part of breast feeding baby. 它也是為新媽媽配製的滋養露,哺乳後用蘆薈清潔液擦洗,後用綿羊油,能夠使乳頭水有腫止痛。
3.According to dermatologists, you only need a moisturizer if your skin experiences the following: redness, scaliness or itchiness. 根據皮膚科醫生的說法,只有在你的肌膚出現以下狀況時你才需要潤膚霜:發紅、多鱗或發癢。
4.This moisturizer consists of Hyaluronic Acid, which provides instant hydration for thirty skin and perfect for unnourished skin, controls and balances the water that the skin attracts. 玻尿酸長效保濕因子,立即感應乾燥並精準輸送潤澤養分,維持分毫不差的含水比例,讓肌膚呈現水嫩、健康無瑕的完美肌質。
5.Perfect for baby massage to bond with your baby or as a light moisturizer to calm and protect skin after a bath. 作為聯接父母和孩子親子關係的按摩油,或是作為浴後來安撫和保護寶寶皮膚的輕柔的保濕產品。