v. accept ,acquire ,adopt ,presume
assume[ə'sju:m, ə'su:m]vt. 承擔;假定;採取;呈現vi. 裝腔作勢;多管閒事
assume 假設;承擔(責任);承擔;假定;assume obligations 承擔義務;assume vt 假定,設想;Assume Formlessness 無招勝有招;無招勝有招(我跟狗狗智慧的結晶,吼吼);無招勝有招(我跟狗狗智慧的結晶,吼吼;assume office 就任;就任,就職,就位;就職;上任;
1.The problem has assumed a new form. 這問題以新的方式出現了。
2.Also, business plans often assume it will be easy to gain a share of a large or fast-growing market. 還有就是,商業計劃經常假設:人們可以很容易地得到一份很大或成長快速的市場。
3.People assume that if God were to talk directly with you, God would not sound like the fella next door. 人們認為,如果上帝能直接和你交談,那麼上帝就不會聽起來像是你的隔壁鄰居一樣。
Well, assume that if you care about Michelle - 噢, 假如你關心 Michelle
I assume you've decided against buying a new car. - 我假設你決定不買一輛新汽車。
We assume that damage occurred while the consignment was in your care. - 我們認為貨物是在你方保管時受到損害的。
Peter must assume he is correct. - 皮特必然認為他是對的。
They assume most who know the least. - 懂得最少的人自以為最了不起。
When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate, some woman assume that their husbands will somehow put things right. - 每當電燈保險絲燒斷、傢俱榫頭鬆動、管道堵塞、吸塵器不動時,有些妻子認為丈夫總有辦法。
We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. - 人們總是以為偏僻的地方的村民們熱情好客。
So what should you do? We'll assume that you have sorted out the basics -- - 那麼你該怎麼做呢?我們假定你已把基本情況弄清楚了,