requisitioned[,rekwi'ziʃən]n. 徵用;要求;申請書;[律]引渡要求vt. 徵用;申請領取
requisitioned ship 被徵用的船舶;requisitioned accuracy 要求精度;compose the social welfare mechanism of farmer requisitioned of its land in the course of urbanization 下一篇論文: 論城市化進程中被征地農民保障機制的構建——以浦東新區唐鎮為例;Study on the Pension Security of Land-requisitioned Farmers in the Progress of Urbanization in Shanghai Suburb 下一篇論文: 上海郊區城市化進程中失地農民養老保障問題研究;Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Compensation And Resettlement of Houses Demolished And Relocated on Requisitioned Collectively-owned Land 上海市徵用集體所有土地拆遷房屋補償安置若干規定;
1.The local government requisitioned the peasants' horses for the troops. 地方政府為部隊徵用農民的馬匹。
2.The army requisitioned the stores of petrol. 軍隊把貯存的汽油徵用了。
3.The army requisitioned the citizens for food. 部隊向居民徵用食品。