r. clear ,distinctly ,intelligibly ,understandably
r. unintelligibly ,ununderstandably
clearly['kliəli]adv. 清晰地;明顯地;無疑地;明淨地
clearly 明朗地;明顯地;清楚地;明白地,清晰地;clearly unlawful 明白無疑的違法行為;communicate clearly 清晰溝通;state clearly 表明;清楚地申明/陳述;Clearly Cleansing 清新美白潔面油;
1.Secondly, the transfer of power must be clearly communicated. 第二,權力的轉移必須清楚地告知大眾。
2.Operator: Hello, this is the operator. I can hear him quite clearly. 接線員:喂,我是接線員。我能很清楚地聽到他說的話。
3.From here we can see the Washington Monument and the Capitol clearly. 從這裡可以清楚地看到華盛頓紀念碑和國會大廈。
You can sing a lot more clearly than I can. - 你能比我唱得更清晰。
It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject. - 直接了當且明白清楚地說明自己的目的是很重要的。
When you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. - 當你讀的時候,要盡量大聲、盡量清晰和盡量快速。
Express your ideas clearly to me. - 把你的構想向我說清楚。
Pam clearly saw in her mind what would happen. - 柏姆無法明白究竟發生了什麼事。
All my best memories come back clearly to me, some can even make me cry. - 所有美好的記憶又在我腦海清晰地浮現了,有些甚至還令我哭泣。
I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. - 我的英語講得不但非常認真,而且咬字也非常清楚。
When I returned form abroad recently, a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler. - 最近一次,我也出國歸來,碰上一位特別好管閒事的年輕海關官員,他顯然把我當成走私犯。
After the accident, all the lines and taps were clearly marked and new people joining the workforce were given a talk on safety before they started work. - 火災過後,所有的管道和龍頭都被標得一清二楚,而且加入勞動隊伍的新工人在開始工作之前要接受有關的安全教育。