n. dental medicine ,odontology
dentistry['dentistri]n. 牙科學;牙醫業
Dentistry 牙科;牙科科學;牙科學,牙科技術;牙科學;Pediatric Dentistry 兒童牙科;口腔兒科學;兒童口腔病科;小兒牙科學;Adhesive dentistry 牙膠;Conservative Dentistry 牙體牙髓病學;保存牙科 醫療衛生;aviation dentistry 釋義:航空牙醫學;
1.Interested in a career in: Law, Medicine, Engineering, Physiotherapy or Dentistry? 未來想投身於:法律、醫藥、工程、理療或牙科等領域?
2.The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue. 牙髓''。'病'。''''。'學'。''研究牙根、牙髓及其周圍組織疾病的牙醫''。'學'。''的一個分支。
3.Hospitals receive federal subsidies for the training they provide to medical interns and residents, but the equivalent system does not really exist in dentistry. 醫院受到提供給實習醫生和正式醫生的聯邦培訓補助,但是同樣的體系並不真的存在於牙科醫療中。
牙科烤瓷學 - ceramic dentistry
臨床齒科 - clinical dentistry
牙科保存學,牙科防腐劑 - conservative dentistry
整容牙科學,整形牙科 - cosmetic dentistry
齒學部 - faculty of dentistry
n.法醫齒科學 - forensi dentistry
n.法醫牙科學 - forensic dentistry
n.牙科靜脈麻醉用器械 - intravenous anesthesia equipment for dentistry
n.法醫牙科學 - legal dentistry
內科和牙科 - medicine and dentistry
牙體外科學,手術牙醫學 - operative dentistry
n.矯形牙科學 - orthopedic dentistry
預防牙科 - preventive dentistry
假牙修復術,假牙修復學 - prosthetic dentistry
n.口齒科 - specialty of stomatology and dentistry