low-dutyn. 小功率工作狀態;輕型
low-duty 輕型的;輕型受輕負荷小功率;小功率工作狀態 輕型;輕載的、小功率的、低級的;low-duty cycle 小責任週期,低百分比開路派波信號;low-duty fireclay brick 輕荷耐火磚;低級火黏土磚;輕型耐火磚;低級火粘土磚;low-duty-cycleswitch 瞬時轉換開關 短時工作開關;DFL Low-duty driven probe 低負荷驅動探測器;
1.Due to problems of the current sublevel caving hydraulic supports, a low and light-duty integrated caving hydraulic support is developed. 分析了現有低位放頂煤液壓支架存在的問題,提出了一種新型輕型低位放頂煤液壓支架。
2.In the impulse radio UWB solutions, data are transmitted using very short, low duty-cycle, base-band electrical pulses with appropriate shape and duration. 在脈衝方式的UWB系統中,傳輸信息的載體是占空比很低、具有合適波形的基帶窄脈衝序列。
3.A low-duty shopper's paradise in the Persian Gulf, Dubai has pushed itself forward in the last 12 years to become a unique fixture of the United Arab Emirates and even of the world. 杜拜是波斯灣內低稅購物者的天堂,過去十二年來,杜拜搖身一變,成為阿拉伯聯合大公國,甚至是全世界國家中的異數。