Faceted 將材質以面的形式賦予對像;有小面的;翻光面;將材質以面的形式賦予;faceted collector 多反射平面集熱器;faceted cornea 釋義:角膜小面;faceted eye 釋義:小面眼;Faceted Round 切面圓珠;
1.The tourism education developed with the development of tourism industry, now it has become multi-channel, multi-faceted and multi-layer structure. 遼寧旅遊教育是隨著旅遊產業的發展而發展起來的,現已形成多渠道、多方位、多層次的格局。
2.Brothers tobacco pipe, this is on the drum tower avenue a multi-faceted shop. 兄弟煙斗,這是鼓樓大街上頗具特色的一家小店。
3.You prefer people who are 'multi-faceted' rather than stereo-types and you abhor vanity, shallowness, or bigotry in others. 你會喜歡多方面的人多於一些公式化觀念的人,並非常討厭人家的虛榮、膚淺及盲信。
4.A multicolored kaleidoscopic journey through a varied and multi-faceted aspect of the human experience that is rarely represented on the big screen. 通過多層面,多角度的人物經驗,描述了一個萬花筒般多彩的經歷,這種方式在大螢幕上非常少見。
5.equipped with electric rotary table, CNC dividing The first, multi-faceted process to be completed. 配備電動回轉工作台、數控分度頭,可以完成多面加工。