tetheringn. 系留放牧v. 練栓;拘束(tether的ing形式)
tethering 系留放牧;束縛;留空飛行;internet Tethering 網絡共享;數據共享;共享功能;網路共享;internet tethering hack 破解;light line tethering technique 系索靜墊升技術;secondary-tethering 間接系鏈;
1.He tethered a donkey and a horse to a tree. 他把一頭驢和一匹馬拴在一棵樹上。
2.We ' re often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction . But is this really the case ? 我們經常被告知這個世界正處於毀滅的邊緣。但這真的是這樣麼?
3.When tethering is on, a blue bar appears at the top of the screen, similar to the green bar that appears when a phone call is in progress. 當牽引是,一個藍色的酒吧出現在屏幕頂部的,類似的綠色欄中顯示的電話時,正在取得進展。