brother-in-law['brʌðərinlɔ:]n. 姐夫;妹夫;內弟;內兄;小叔;大伯
brother-in-law 姊妹的丈夫;堂兄弟,表兄弟;小叔;姐夫,妹夫;The unsuitable brother-in-law 著錯舅爺鞋;In love with the brother-in-law 姨仔愛姊夫;my brother-in-law's guitar 我姐/妹夫的吉他;brother of one's brother-in-law 姻兄弟;
1.If my brother-in-law hopes to borrow any more money from me. 要是我的小舅子再想問我借錢,那他算是找錯了門了。
2.My brother-in-law is in the back of gelada, my sister is in the back of tiger, and I in the back of monkey. What a cute family. 我姊姊是老虎,我是那隻猴子,狒狒是我姊夫,這張是姊姊同事幫忙拍的,還被其他人說,這果然是一家人,全部都在裝可愛。
3."Yes, we are considering Rubina's future, " Qureshi was quoted as saying. He put the reporter in touch with his brother-in-law Rajan More. 該報援引庫雷希的話說:「是的,我們正考慮魯比娜的未來。」他讓記者與其妹夫拉詹?摩爾聯繫。