phytotoxic[,faitə'tɔksik]adj. 植物性毒素的
phytotoxic 植物毒性的;對植物有毒的;植物性毒素的;毒害植物的;phytotoxic metabolite 植物毒性代謝物;phytotoxic substance 植物毒素;對植物有毒的物質 漁農;
1.Four kinds of fungicides had neither phytotoxic effect on the germination rate nor influence on the vigour of vegetable seeds. 四種殺菌劑對蔬菜種子之發芽率及發芽勢均無不良之影響。
2.It is the safest herbicide for the control of grass weeds in rice field and it will not be phytotoxic to rice in all cultivation forms from seedling to jointing stage. 是對水稻安全性最高的禾本科除草劑。各種栽培方式的水稻由苗期到拔節期使用都不會產生藥害。
3.Oil spotting (oleocellosis) was a prevalent physiological rind disorder of citrus fruits that was caused by the action of phytotoxic rind oils released from the oil cells in the flavedo. 油斑病是發生在柑橘果實上的一種常見的生理性病害,是由於柑橘外皮組織中溢出的橘油的光毒性造成的。