servo-manipulator 伺服機械手;
1.In the manipulator control system, the manipulator and servo driver equipment of former industrial robot is analyzed; design method of six-axes manipulator controller is explained. 在機械臂控制系統中,分析了原MOTOMAN工業機器人的機械臂和驅動裝置的結構,設計了六軸機械臂的伺服控制器。
2.In the microscope vision environment, we complete the visual servo task that micro-manipulator is positioned automatically and grips 3-D micro-parts under different magnification lens. 在顯微視覺環境下,完成了不同倍率物鏡下微操作機械手自動定位與夾取三維微小零件的視覺伺服任務。
3.XJZK vision servo control system adopts the pattern of image-based dynamic closed loop bi-eye. This system includes three subsystems: manipulator control system, vision system and control system. XJZK視覺伺服控制系統採用基於圖像的動態閉環雙目模式,由機械臂控制系統、視覺系統和控制系統三個子系統組成。