unheard-of[,ʌn'hə:dɔv]adj. 空前的;前所未聞的
unheard-of 空前的;unheard-of group 未曾聽過的團體;all-time record-breaking unheard-of unparalleled unprecedented 空前的;
1.When they got out on the high road, the French fled to their imagined goal with extraordinary energy and unheard-of rapidity. 法國人上了大路,以驚人的毅力和空前的速度,向假想目標奔逃。
2.Rudolph played club dates at dances and Axel had advanced him the money for a tuxedo, thirty-five dollars, an unheard-of outpouring. 魯道夫在俱樂部舉辦舞會的日子參加演奏,阿克賽爾給他一筆錢做夜禮服一共三十五元,像這樣慷慨解囊是從來不曾聽說過的。
3.For pride is the reservoir of sin, a source which runs over with vice; Because of it God sends unheard-of afflictions and brings men to utter ruin. 因為驕傲是一切罪惡的起源;固執於驕傲的人,散佈可憎惡的事,為此上主降下奇災異禍,把他們完全消滅。