catchline['kætʃ,lain]n. 標語(廣告上或演講詞中用以吸引注意力的措辭)
catchline 標語;banner catchline catchphrase catchword motto slogan watchword 標語;
1.Stronger for longer has been a favourite catchline for investors for describing high oil and commodity prices. 高油價和高商品價格,使投資者期望倫敦股市的上漲能繼續走強、長。
2.On the back wall of the classroom, a catchline "Celebrate National Day" is written on the blackboard with a clock above it. 在教室的後面牆上,是我們班的黑板報「歡度國慶」。
3.The catchline - "Come to where the flavour is…come to Marlboro Country" - instantly brings to mind the brand that elevated the product to a completely different level. 廣告語——「來吧,加入萬寶路國度」——瞬間給我們帶來這個產品截然與眾不同的意境。