ginshop['dʒinʃɔp]n. 酒店;酒館
ginshop 酒店;cabaret drinkery ginshop groggery grogshop rummery 酒店;
1.durning works in ginshop, the work performance is outstanding. 在酒店工作期間,工作表現突出。
2.Local college have open up many courses on the ginshop management, which have substantial theoretics and pay attention to the combination between practice and theoretics. 當地院校開設的酒店管理課程有堅實的理論基礎支撐,更注重理論與實際相結合。
3.It's said that, so far, the foreign language level of the high managers in the ginshop field is commonly low. In addition, the international managers who study oversea are rare. 據瞭解,目前我國酒店業中高層管理者外語水平普遍較低,擁有海外教育背景的國際型管理人才更屬鳳毛麟角。