pellan. 斗篷
pella 斗篷;佩拉;比勒;Topaza pella 赤叉尾蜂鳥;Salix pella 黑枝柳;Topaza pella Crimson Topaz 赤叉尾蜂鳥;cape overcoat cloak long cloak mantle mentel pella throwover dress 斗篷;
1.It was from these loins of war that Alexander was born, in Pella. 正在戰爭醞釀之際,亞歷山大出生了,在佩拉。
2.It was from these lofringe episode 9ins of war that Alexander was born, in Pella. 正在戰爭醞釀之際,亞歷山大出生了,在佩拉。
3.So much so that the state holds a three-day Tulip Festival in the city of Pella to remember the sacrifices of the town's Dutch founding fathers. 為了它,他們特地在培拉鎮舉辦一個為期三天的鬱金香節,旨在緬懷創辦該鎮的荷蘭祖先,對鎮上的貢獻。