mode of thinking way of thinking 思想方法;QMQB quick-make quick-break 快通快斷;as quick as thought lickety-split quick as thought 極快地;as quick as thought lickety-split quick as thought 極快地;as quick as thought lickety-split quick as thought 極快地;
1.Other than action thinking remains its old term, to be exact, image thinking is to replace visual thinking while concept thinking is to replace abstract thinking. 其中除動作思維仍沿用慣稱外,以「意象思維」取代習用的「形象思維」,以「概念思維」取代習用的「抽像思維」,更為確切。
2.This paper shows the characteristic of creative thinking in mathematics: creativeness of thinking, deepness of thinking, wideness of thinking and cleverness of thinking. 數學創造性思維應具有思維的獨創性、維的深刻性、維的廣闊性以及思維的靈活性。
3.I was thinking of Mekka, thinking of Sitsang, thinking of the people who was clumping the WuTai mountain, which one of them was the real Christians then? 想起麥加,想起西藏,想起攀爬在五台山路上的芸芸眾生,又有幾人是感懷著虔誠與敬畏去朝拜他們的聖靈呢?
4.I was thinking of Mekka, thinking of Sitsang, thinking of the people who was clumping the WuTai mountain, which one of them was the real Christians then? 想起麥加,想起西藏,想起攀爬在五台山路上的芸芸眾生,又有幾人是感懷著虔誠與敬畏去朝拜他們的聖靈呢?
5.Moreover, some teachers regard the thinking of mathematic as formal logic thinking. So ignore dialectic and developmental thinking from holistic understanding to problem. 有的教師把數學思維活動僅僅看作形式邏輯思維,而忽視了從整體看問題的辯證的、發展的思維活動。