





n. adage ,byword ,power saw ,sawing machine


SAW[sɔ:]vt. 鋸;鋸成;鋸開vi. 鋸;用鋸;將某物鋸成小塊n. 鋸子;諺語v. see的過去式


Saw 電鋸驚魂;聲表面波;表面聲波;鋸子;saw blade 鋸片;鋸條;鋸齒;鋸條,鋸片;circular saw 圓盤鋸;圓鋸;圓輪鋸,圓環鋸;線鋸機;rip saw 直紋鋸;粗齒鋸;縱剖鋸,粗木鋸;粗木鋸;panel saw 板鋸;裁板鋸;手板鋸;鋸邊機;


1.I saw you walking in the rain? 我(當時)看見你正在雨中散步。

2.I saw a caterpillar on the leaf. 我看見一條毛毛蟲在葉子上。

3.He saw them loiter around the garden. 他看見他們在花園四周徘徊。


Maybe you saw our commercials on TV. - 也許你在電視上看過我們的廣告。

I just saw a big one! - 我剛看見一條大的。

You're much thinner since the last time I saw you. - 你比我上次見你的時候瘦多了。

I saw a real shark. - 我看到一條真正的鯊魚。

Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper. - 每個人都已看到Riverdale報紙上的新聞。

Well, I saw a nice watch. - 嗯,我已看中了一隻好表 。

You've changed a lot since I last saw you. - 自從我上次見到你以來,你改變了很多。

I understood everything the minute I saw her face. - 我一看見她的面孔,就明白了一切。

Although we hadn't met for 25 years, I recognized him the minute I saw him. - 儘管我們有25年未見面了,我一看見他就認出來了。

The moment John saw Mary, he fell head over heels in love with her. - 約翰對瑪麗一見傾心,給她弄得神魂顛倒了。

It's been 5 years since I last saw you. - 我已5年沒見你了

I didn't see Mr. Jones,but I saw John Smith. - 我沒看見瓊斯先生,但是我看見了約翰·史密斯。

When I saw Mr. Jones,he was talking with John Smith. - 當我看見瓊斯先生時,他與約翰·史密斯正在談話。

You saw that movie, didn't you? Was it interesting? - 你看過這部電影了吧?精彩嗎?

Pam clearly saw in her mind what would happen. - 柏姆無法明白究竟發生了什麼事。

Jack grew timid when he saw the size of the shoes on the front step. - 傑克看到了放在玄關的鞋子的尺寸時,甚為吃驚。

When I saw they had left, I was shocked to tears. - 當我目睹他們離去時,我悲傷得落下了眼淚。

I saw him at the supermaket. - 我在超級市場看到他。

I saw him last Monday. - 我上個星期一看到他。

Where they saw chance, we see law. - 以前他們認為是偶然的,現在我們認為是必然的。

I saw it with my own eyes. - 我親眼所見。

I saw him playing football on the playground. - 我看見他在操場上踢足球。

Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.'I can ask him the way'.she said to herself. - 突然,她在公共汽車站附近看到一個男人。「我可以向他問路,」她想。

Oh, I've already seen it.I saw it on television last year. - 噢,我已看過了。我是去年在電視上看的。

What I saw made me very sad. - 我所見到的一切使我非常難過。

Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. - 托尼看見了我,就走過來和我坐到一張桌子前。

Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. - 第二天凌晨,她看到前方有燈光,

he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. - 看到有兩個小偷從一家商店裡衝出來,奔向等在那裡的一輛汽車,

As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. - 他一見我們,就拿起了一個長長的上面鑲有硬幣的管樂器,並掀開了一個筐的蓋子。

When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, - 當她趕上他們時,發現他們已經坐了下來,正翻著包裡的東西。

She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. - 她走進我的房間,當她看到地板上的那些書時,大吃一驚。

As soon as she saw it, the woman said she did not like it. - 這位婦女對那件衣服只看一眼,就說不喜歡。

I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. - 我穿過馬路以便避開他,但他看到我並朝我跑過來。

'I was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you. - 「我正不知道怎麼消磨這一上午呢,正好見到好。

Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. - 幸運得很,一位飛行員看到這個信號,用無線電給最近的城鎮發了報。

When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. - 當氣球飛臨基地上空時,飛行員看見有一個人在拍照。

' I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. - 」我向下面看去。當我看清是一個警察時,差一點兒從梯子上掉下去。

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. - 搜尋美洲獅的工作是從一座小村莊開始的。那裡的一位婦女在採摘黑莓時的看見「一隻大貓」,離她僅5碼遠,

It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. - 她剛看見它,它就立刻逃走了。專家證實,美洲獅非被逼得走投無路,是決不會傷人的。

Several people complained of cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. - 有人抱怨說夜裡聽見「像貓一樣的叫聲」;一位商人去釣魚,看見那只美洲獅在樹上。

Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. - 他一看表,才1點鐘,可是那鍾一邊敲了13下才停。

Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up. - 突然,我看到官員臉上露出了得意的神色。

The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: - 走進展廳首先看到的是一張告示,上面寫著

To our dismay, we saw that there were snails everywhere: - 讓人沮喪的是,我們發現到處都是蝸牛:

When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. - 最近有個學生看見兩個工人在學校門外用風鑽幹活,馬上打電話報告警察,說有兩個學生裝扮成工人,正在用風鑽破壞路面。

Only when he saw that the man was actually telephoning the police did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax. - 當他看到那個工人真的是給警察掛電話,才恍然大悟,原來他們都成一場騙局的受害者。

After switching on powerful arc lights, they saw great stalagmites -- some of them over forty feet high -- rising up like tree-trunks to meet the stalactites suspended from the roof. - 他們打開強力弧光燈,看見一株株巨大的石筍,有的高達40英尺,像樹幹似地向上長著,與洞頂懸掛下來的鐘乳石相接。

Looking up I saw that we were surrounded by children in rags who were looking at us silently as we ate. - 我抬頭一看,發現我們被一群衣衫襤褸的小孩團團圍住了,他們在默不作聲地看著我們吃飯。

Instead, I saw that they had discovered a new route. - 結果卻發現它們又找到一條新的路徑。

Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk. - 她往起居室裡看去,寫字檯邊一片狼籍。


saw bench - 鋸台

saw blade - 鋸片

saw notch - 鋸痕

saw arbor - 鋸軸


n.截斷鋸 - amputating saw

片鋸 - blade saw

n.板鋸 - bladed saw

n.骨鋸 - bone saw

n.弓形骨鋸 - bow saw

n.鏈鋸 - chain saw

n.電動屍體解剖鋸 - electric autopsy saw

n.電動骨鋸 - electric bone saw

n.戒指鋸 - finger ring saw

n.季格利氏線鋸 - giglis wire saw

n.掌骨鋸 - metacarpal saw

n.鼻鋸 - nasal saw

n.石膏鋸 - plaster saw

n.脊柱切開鋸 - rachiotomy saw

n.萬用手術鋸 - unoversal saw

n.鋼絲鋸 - wire saw

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