





r. behind ,easy ,slowly ,tardilya. deadening ,dense ,dim ,dullv. decelerate ,retard ,slack ,slow down


r. apace ,quickly ,rapidly ,speedilya. fastv. accelerate ,quicken ,speed ,speed up


slow[sləu]adj. 慢的;減速的;遲鈍的vi. 變慢;變蕭條vt. 放慢;阻礙adv. 慢慢地;遲緩地


slow 慢駛;慢速;慢慢來;慢的;Slow down 慢駛;放慢速度;減退;減慢速度;Slow Food 慢餐;慢食運動;慢食;慢食主義;slow pulsar 慢轉脈衝星;slow step 慢步;漫走青春路;


1.You should slow up a bit and have a rest. 你得減少一點工作,休息一下了。

2.Slow to suspect, quick to trust. 慢慢地懷疑,快快地信任。

3.Is bus travel fast or slow? 乘汽車旅行快還是慢呢?


It's great. Although the economy is pretty slow as usual, it's picking up. - 很好。雖然經濟發展照常地緩慢,不過已開始回升。

We're going to take it slow first. - 開頭我們要做慢一點。

Confidence is a plant of slow growth. - 信任是一種生長緩慢的植物。

Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. - 選擇朋友要審慎,摒棄更要審又慎。

Be slow to promise and quick to perform. - 不輕諾,諾必果。

God's mill grinds slow but sure. - 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。

Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. - 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。

True friendship is a plant of slow growth. - 真正的友誼像是生長緩慢的植物。

All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly raised. - 所有這些發展都比較緩慢,而隨著科學的到來,增長的速度才突然加快。

The death of Gandhi gave India a chance to mourn and express how he had become father to all Indians. Millions watched the slow march that took his body through the capital. - 甘地之死給印度一個悼念的機會,讓人們表達他是怎樣成為全印度人民的父親的。

Twelve days later, millions more Indians lined the railway tracks as a slow train took the jar containing his ashes 584 kilometres to a place by the river. - 12天後,當一列慢車將盛有甘地骨灰的罈子駛向584公里外,靠近恆河的一個地方時,又有數百萬人排列的鐵路兩旁,夾道送行。


human slow reacting substance - 人過敏性遲緩反應物質

low voltage slow wave - 低壓慢波

n. slow strain rate - 低應變率

n. slow strain rate test - 低應變率試驗

n. slow strain rate test - 低應變速度

bilateral paroxysmal slow wave - 雙側性陣發性慢波

slow urination - 小便排出不暢

strong balanced slow type - 強均衡徐緩型

slow filling wave of ventricle - 心室緩慢充盈波

slow netron; slow neutron - 慢中子

slow inactovation - 慢代謝型

slow filing fraction - 慢充盈分數

slow response action potential - 慢反應支作電位

slow reacting substance anaphylaxis - 慢反應物質

slow reacting substance anaphylaxis - 慢反應物質變態反應

slow reaction substance asthma; srs asthma - 慢反應物質哮喘

slow reaction automatic cell - 慢反應自律細胞

slow type - 慢型

slow infection - 慢感染

slow scan television - 慢掃瞄電視

slow wave - 慢波

slow wave sleep - 慢波睡眠

slow flow rate paper - 慢流速紙

slow filtration - 慢濾

slow virus - 慢病毒

second pain; slow pain - 慢痛

slow phase - 慢相

slow phase velocity; speed of slow component - 慢相速度

slow sand filtration - 慢砂濾

slow switch fibers - 慢縮肌纖維

slow muscle - 慢肌

slow switch fibers - 慢肌纖維

slow alveolus - 慢肺泡

rhythmic slow activity - 慢節律活動

slow process - 慢過程

slow channel - 慢通道

slow eye movement - 慢速眼動

slow component - 慢部份

deep and slow respiration - 深慢呼吸

relative slow pulse - 相對性緩脈

abnormally rapid or slow pulse - 離經脈

knotted pulse; slow pulse with irregular intervals - 結脈

reduced filling period; slow filling peroid - 緩慢充盈期

slow cooling - 緩慢冷卻

reduced ejection peroid; slow ejection period - 緩慢射血期

slow virus - 緩慢病毒

slow vital capacity - 緩慢肺活量

slow degradation - 緩慢降解

infrequent pulse; moderate pulse; slow pulse; slowpulse - 緩脈

bradysphygmia; slow pulse; slowpulse - 脈搏徐緩


n.離經脈 - abnormally rapid or slow pulse

n.雙側性陣發性慢波 - bilateral paroxysmal slow wave

n.深慢呼吸 - deep and slow respiration

n.高波幅慢波,高電壓慢波 - high voltage slow wave

n.人過敏性遲緩反應物質 - human slow reacting substance

n.低壓慢波 - low voltage slow wave

n.陣發性多發性棘慢波 - paroxysmal multiple slow sharp wave

n.相對性緩脈 - relative slow pulse

n.慢節律活動 - rhythmic slow activity

銳波慢波復合 - sharp and slow wave complex

n.慢相速度 - speed of slow component

n.強均衡徐緩型 - strong balanced slow type

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