n. encroachment ,intrusion
invasion[in'veiʒən]n. 入侵,侵略;侵襲;侵犯
invasion 侵犯;侵入;入侵;侵染;Barnyard Invasion 牧場入侵;場入侵;襲擊牧場;solid invasion 固相顆粒侵入;Cubes Invasion 立方體入侵;立方體侵佔;Shape Invasion 形狀入侵;
1.This invasion may take an entire legion of knights to repel. 這次入侵可能需要整個軍團的騎士才能擊退。
2.Angiogenesis is the basis of tumor growth, invasion, metastasis and recidivism. 血管生成是腫瘤生長、侵襲、轉移、和復發的基礎。
3.They are said to work by simulating the body to produce antibodies—proteins that defend the body from an invasion by harmful germs. 據說這些弱化的病菌的工作原理是模擬身體產生抗體—保護身體,抵禦有害細菌入侵的蛋白質。
common cold; commoncold; invasion by wind; sommon cold - 傷風
invagination; invasion of the interio of the body by; lactim - 內陷
cold hernia; mobid crying at night due to cold; periumbilical colic due to invasion of cold - 寒疝
invasion of xue blood system by heat; invasion of xue system by heat - 熱入血分
The heat-evil attacks the blood chamber; invasion of the blood chamber by heat - 熱入血室
heaheat threatening the large intestine; invasion of the large intestine by heat - 熱迫大腸
invasion of blood stasis to the heart - 瘀血沖心
upwad invasion of the hyperactive iver-qi; upward invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi - 肝氣上逆
transverse invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi - 肝氣橫逆
invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi - 肝氣逆
invasion of the interior of the body by pathogen - 邪氣內陷
combination of wind and damp; conjoing invasion of pathogenic wing-dampness; conjoint invasion of pathogenic wind-dampness - 風濕相搏
invasion of the lung by wind-heat - 風熱犯肺
癌細胞浸潤轉移機制解析基盤技術 - basic technology to analyze the mechanisms of cancer invasion and metastasis
n.風濕相搏 - conjoing invasion of pathogenic wing-dampness
n....相傳 - conjoint invasion of...
n.風濕相搏 - conjoint invasion of pathogenic wind-dampness
n.火焰 - fire invasion
n.水蛭侵入 - leech invasion
瘤侵入 - neoplasm invasion
可控性發病 - operation invasion
n.寒疝 - periumbilical colic due to invasion of cold
n.侵入途徑 - routes of invasion
精子浸入 - spermatic invasion
n.侵入期,侵襲期 - stage of invasion
n.橫逆 - transverse invasion
n.肝氣橫逆 - transverse invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi
腫塊入侵 - tumor invasion
n.肝氣上逆 - upwad invasion of the hyperactive iver-qi
n.上逆 - upward invasion
n.肝氣上逆 - upward invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi