





TOP[tɔp]n. 頂部,頂端;上部;首席;陀螺vi. 高出,超越;結束;達到頂點vt. 超越,超過;給…加蓋;達到…的頂端adj. 最高的,頂上的;頭等的


top 頭等的,最高的;置頂;最高;上部,向上;TOP COLLAR 面領;外反口;領面;上領,領面;Top Gun 壯志凌雲;捍衛戰士; 壯志凌雲;雄心萬丈;top line 頭一行;大字標題;頂線:真實表達顧客對企業滿意的收入。;浮子綱;TOP VENT 叉的面層;衩的面層;叉啲面層;的面層;


1.He topped the cake with whipped cream. 他在蛋糕上澆了摜奶油。

2.So how are the top schools doing? 所以頂尖學校是怎麼做的呢?

3.This one is straight from the top. 這句話是直接從上面交代的。


Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products. - Active Sports的產品質量上乘,而且取得了很好的聲譽。

I need to be in the top percentage of my class to study abroad. - 為出國留學,我的成績必須在班裡名列前茅。

I kissed the top of his dear little head. - 我吻著他可愛的小頭頂。

She is at the top of her class. - 她在班裡名列前茅。

I am on top of the world. - 我高興到了極點。

To top others - 脫穎而出;獲得第一

He is the top condition. - 他的身體情況處在巔峰狀態。

The guy next to me Wrote his name at the top of the paper. - 坐在我旁邊的那個人只在試卷頂端寫自己的名字。

Hi! You guys keep talking so loudly that I have to speak at the top my voice! - 哎!你們一直這樣大聲講話,我都不得不扯著嗓子說話了。

A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. - 箱內有一個人正躺在一堆毛織品之上。

and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom. - 我們必須把很長的鑽桿一節節地鑽入地下,然後再從地下拉出來。鑽桿頂部安裝的發動機帶動鑽桿旋轉,它的底部裝有鑽頭。

rising at one-foot intervals all the way to the top of the atmosphere. - 並按1英尺的間隔從地面一直排列到大氣層的頂端。

He lands on top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. - 他降落在每一家的房頂,順著煙囪爬進壁爐。

Well done! Does that mean that your team is top of the league? - 幹的好。就是說你們球隊是聯賽冠軍啦?

It seems that it's more difficult for women to get to the top of a company. - 婦女要想得到一個公司的最高職位,似乎更加困難。

After they carved the characters on rocks, they put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and beat it lightly. - 他們把字刻在石塊上後,再把一張潮濕的紙放在字的上面,並輕輕地拍打。

I know that one of the towers is on the top of a hill, but the rest of the buildings are easy to get to. - 我知道其中有個塔在山上,但其餘的建築物都並不難上。

I suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it. We can photograph them using it too. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads. - 我建議我們徵詢計算機用戶的意見。我們也可以把他們使用計算機的情形拍成照片。然後我們把他們的意見用粗體字印在廣告上面。我們還可以加入一些幽默故事。人們喜歡幽默的廣告。

Just a minute. She's taken the bag that usually sits on top of the cupboard. - 等等。她帶走了通常放在壁櫥頂上的包。

From the top of it, you could see up to a distance of 130 kilometres on a clear day. - 在晴朗的日子裡,從樓的頂層你可以看到130公里遠的地方。

The towers are further apart at the top than at the base, but this is no mistake. - 兩座塔樓的樓頂之間的距離比樓底之間的距離要大一些,但是這並不是錯誤。

One moment we were walking along the top of a hill and now we could see no more than about thirty metres ahead of us. - 一時間我們還在山頂上行走,而現在30公尺開外的地方我們都看不清了。


n. top stop - 上止動器

n. top stop device - 上止動裝置

n. top stop device - 上死點停止裝置

pars superior; superior part; n. top part - 上部

desk calculator; desk computer; desk top computer - 台式計算機

n. top and bottom process - 奧福特硫化鎳硫化銅分離法

n. open top feeder - 敞頂加料裝置

digital printing top loading balance - 數字打印頂載式天平

n. top pressure recovery turbine - 極限壓力回復渦輪機

n. oxygen top blowing converter - 氧頂吹轉爐

digitalis; root top of onion - 洋地黃

n. top pressure recovery turbine - 爐頂壓力回復氣輪機

n. top charge cupola - 爐頂裝料沖天爐

n. pure oxygen top blown converter steelmaking - 純氧頂部吹轉化制鋼法

n. top coatings - 覆冷層

top like; toplike - 陀螺樣

n. top and bottom blown converter - 頂-底吹轉化器

n. top and bottom blown converter steelmaking - 頂-底吹轉化器制鋼

n. top and bottom process - 頂-底法

n. top blown converter steelmaking - 頂吹轉換制鋼

n. top blowing converter - 頂吹轉爐法

n. top coatings - 頂層塗飾

n. top layer metallization - 頂層金屬化

top yeast - 頂生酵母

n. top stop - 頂端擋塊

n. top pouring - 頂端澆注

n. top pouring process - 頂端澆注法

n. top charge cupola - 頂部加料形化鐵爐

n. top board - 頂部樁板

n. top stop - 頂部止動器

n. top dead center - 頂部靜點

n. top drive drilling - 頂部驅動鑽


n.柱頂 - column top

n.台式計算機 - desk top computer

n.數字打印頂載式天平 - digital printing top loading balance

n.洋地黃 - root top of onion

n.頭部 - the top

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