crupper['krʌpə]n. 馬屁股;臀部;兜在馬尾下的皮帶
crupper 馬尾帶;馬屁股;臀部:;馬臂;crupper chain 踵鏈;
1.The huntsman who had been quarrelling came riding out of the bushes with the fox on the crupper, and rode towards his young master. 毆鬥的獵人帶著繫在馬鞍後面的狐狸也從林緣後面馳至少爺跟前來了。
2.Chela hoof of the horse toes step on in disorder before him, place turned 360 degrees circle, his headgear also was bumped to fly by the crupper on the side. 馬的前腳蹄子就在他面前亂蹬,原地轉了360度的圈,他的頭套也被旁邊的馬屁股撞飛了。
3.Now, when he met him, the man, who then seemed already extremely weary, had requested him to take him on his crupper; to which the fishmonger had made no reply except by redoubling his gait. 那外來人在遇見他時曾請求讓他坐在馬臀上,他當時已顯得非常困頓了,那魚販子卻一面支吾,一面加鞭走了。