n. brinya. chief ,independent ,primary ,principal
a. dependent ,subordinate
main[mein]n. 主要部分,要點;體力;總管道adj. 主要的,最重要的;全力的
MAIN 主要的;主要的,主線,主通道,電源;干管;電源,主要的;Main valve 主閥;總閥;主閥門;主閥:;main bathroom 主衛;main line 幹線;正線;幹線聯接;大靜脈;main power 總電源;主電源;電源;機功率;
1.Land, the main source of wealth. 土地是主要的財富淵源。
2.My main interest is writing novels. 我主要的興趣是寫小說。
3.The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. 最主要的原因是人們的旅行,或許,很高興。
That's not an overstatement. As I said, these are only the main ones. There are many others. - 你這樣說一點也不誇張,我只是說了幾個重要的節日,還有很多沒有提及呢。
The main course: steak and potatoes. - 主菜 牛排和馬鈴薯。
I think you are getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please? - 我覺得你跑題了。 我們能不能回到主題上來?
Youth boredom is the main culprit behind youth crime. - 年輕人的無聊是青少年犯罪最大原因。
Out main aim is to please the customers. - 我們的目的是讓顧客滿意。
Excuse me. Can you tell me where Main Street is? - 勞駕,你能告訴我正街在哪裡嗎?
No. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there. - 不去,最遠只到正街。不過你可以到那裡再乘31路。
When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. - 當飛機到達時,一些偵探等候在主樓內,另一些偵探則守候在停機坪上。
The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! - 它傳送給我們的圖像很令人失望,因為它的主要鏡子有誤差。
Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honour' of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. - 他打扮成聖誕老人,在由6個漂亮姑娘組成的「儀仗隊」的陪同下,騎上一頭名叫江伯的小象,沿著城裡的主要街道出發了。
Fifteen policemen had to push very hard to get him off the main street. - 15個警察不得不用很大的力氣把它推離主要街道。
Snails would, of course, be the main dish. - 蝸牛當然是道主菜。
When we later walked down the main street of the villager, we were followed by a silent procession of children. - 後來,我們在村裡的主要街道上行走的時候,一隊默不作聲的孩子跟在我們後頭。
Turning back down the main street, - 便掉轉身子,沿著那條主要街道加快步伐,
Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, - 馴像有兩種主要的方法,
The third, or main wave, - 第三種波,即主波,
the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible. - 我們才能明白人類生活中主要的複雜現象。
So preserving your capital and generating extra income are your main priorities. - 因此,你的首要任務就是保護你的資金和引發額外的收入。
I've chosen the main actors and we intend to put it on next January. - 我已經選好了主要演員,打算在明年1月上演。
It was also thought that by removing their main supply of food, the Native Americans would be forced to give in. - 當時還有人認為,斷掉了主要的食物來源,土著人就會被迫屈服。
The main exports of the country are wool, lamb, beef, butter, forest products, fruit and vegetables. - 這個國家的主要出口產品有羊毛、羔羊、牛肉、黃油、林木製品、水果與蔬菜。
The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February when the days are long and warm. - 學校主要的假期從12月中旬起至第二年的2月初為止,這段時間白晝很長,氣候也暖和。
main vein - 主脈
main fermentation - 主要發酵作用
n. main and tail rope haulage - 主要和尾部牽連
essential component; main component; major constituent - 主要成分
n. main rope - 主要繩
main symptom - 主證
n. main road - 主道
main quantum numbeer; principal quantum number - 主量子數
backbone; main chain; master strand; principal chain - 主鏈
the main symptoms - 主體症狀
n. main pit - 主坑
main medium - 主培養基
main storage - 主存儲器
main peak; prominent peak - 主峰
n. main forming operation - 主成形作業
n. main forming operation - 主成形操作
main bronchus - 主支氣管
main amplifier - 主放大器
main indications - 主治作用
main wave - 主波
n. main lobe - 主瓣
the main symptoms - 主症
main point or master point - 主穴
collateral points; fifteen collateral channels; fifteen main collaterals - 十五絡
main conditions - 基本條件
taut pulse is the main pulse condition in malaria - 弦脈是瘧疾的主脈
main switch - 總開關
climax; crisis; critical phase; main phase; stadium acmes - 極期
main en squelette; skeleton hand - 枯骨狀手
separating the useful from the waste; separating the usefull from the waste; the main function of the small intestine - 泌別清濁
main collateral from the stomach; main collateral from the stomaxh - 胃之大絡
n.十五絡 - fifteen main collaterals
注八主體 - injected main body
左主支氣管 - left main bronchus
右主支氣管 - right main bronchus
n.吸入總管 - suction main
n.弦脈是瘧疾的主脈 - taut pulse is the main pulse condition in malaria
n.這種病基本上已被消滅了 - The disease has been eradicated in the main
n.泌別清濁 - the main function of the small intestine
n.主體症狀,主症 - the main symptoms