





mitral['maitrəl]adj. 僧帽狀的;禮冠的


mitral 二尖瓣的;禮冠的;禮冠的,僧帽狀的,二尖瓣的;禮冠的, 僧帽狀的;mitral facies 二尖瓣面容;mitral click 二尖瓣開瓣音;valvuloplastie mitral 二尖瓣成形術;Mitral prolapse 二尖瓣脫垂;


1.What is heart mitral valve velar prolapse? 什麼是心臟二尖瓣膜脫垂?

2.Mitral valve repair is a useful method of surgical treatment for mitral valvular regurgitation, and has less complication. 二尖瓣成形術是外科治療二尖瓣反流的有效方法之一,且術後併發症少。

3.Objective: To determine the safety and efficacy of endoscopic mitral valve surgery using robotic instruments through the lateral right chest. <正>目的:確定利用機器人設備經右胸行內鏡下二尖瓣手術的安全性和有效性。


bicuspid valve; bicuspid valvevavula mitralis; mitral valve - 二尖瓣

mitral commissurotomy; mitralcommissurotomy - 二尖瓣交界分離術

mitral valve repair; repair of mitral insufficiency - 二尖瓣修補術

mitral incompetence; mitral insufficiency - 二尖瓣關閉不全

mitral valvotomy - 二尖瓣切開術

mitral valvulotome - 二尖瓣切除器

mitral area - 二尖瓣區

mitral first sound - 二尖瓣區第一心音

buttonhole mitral stenosis - 二尖瓣口鈕孔狀縮窄

mitral leaflet - 二尖瓣後尖

auscultatory mitral area - 二尖瓣聽診區

mitral apparatus - 二尖瓣器

mitral valve echogram - 二尖瓣回波圖

mitral regurgitation flow - 二尖瓣回流

mitral p wave; pmitral - 二尖瓣型P波

mitral complex - 二尖瓣復合體

mitral orifice - 二尖瓣孔

plastic surgery for mitral valve - 二尖瓣成形術

mitral commissurotome - 二尖瓣手術刀

mitral murmur - 二尖瓣雜音

mitral obstruction - 二尖瓣梗阻

mitral funnel - 二尖瓣漏斗

mitral stenosis - 二尖瓣狹窄

mitral valve dilator - 二尖瓣瓣膜擴張器

mitral disease; mitraldisease - 二尖瓣病

mitral facies - 二尖瓣病面容

mitral valve replacement - 二尖瓣置換

mitral valve prolapse; prolapse of mitral valve - 二尖瓣脫垂

barlows syndrome; mitral valve prolapse syndrome - 二尖瓣脫垂綜合征

mitral commissurotomy; mitralcommissurotomy - 二尖瓣連合處分離術

mitral atresia - 二尖瓣閉鎖

mitral incompetence; mitral insufficiency - 二尖瓣閉鎖不全

mitral valve repair; repair of mitral insufficiency崑 - 二尖瓣閉鎖不全修補術

mitral obstruction - 二尖瓣阻塞

parachute deformity of mitral valve - 二尖瓣降落傘狀畸形

artificial bicuspid; artificial mitral valve - 人工二尖瓣

mitral valve - 僧帽瓣

mitral disease; mitraldisease - 僧帽瓣疾病

mitral cell - 僧帽細胞

congenital mitral stenosis duroziezs disease - 先天性二尖瓣狹窄

congenital mitral stenosis and insufficiency - 先天性二尖瓣狹窄和關閉不全

congenital mitral insufficiency - 先天性二尖瓣閉鎖不全

both sides cutting mitral commissurotomy knife - 雙側割口式二類瓣分離手術

pachynsis mitral stenosis - 增厚型二尖瓣狹窄

barlows syndrome; mitral leaflet prolapse syndrome - 巴洛氏綜合征

congenital mitral stenosis; duroziez disease; duroziezs disease - 杜羅濟埃氏病

floppy mitral valve syndrome - 鬆弛性二尖瓣綜合征

diaphragmatic type of mitral stenosis - 隔膜型二尖瓣狹窄


二尖瓣前小葉 - anterior mitral leaflet

n.人工二尖瓣 - artificial mitral valve

n.二尖瓣聽診區 - auscultatory mitral area

n.雙側割口式二類瓣分離手術 - both sides cutting mitral commissurotomy knife

n.二尖瓣口鈕孔狀縮窄 - buttonhole mitral stenosis

閉式二尖瓣分離術,閉合性三尖瓣聯合部切開術 - closed mitral commissurotomy

n.先天性二尖瓣閉鎖不全 - congenital mitral insufficiency

先天性二尖瓣逆流,先天性二尖瓣閉鎖不全 - congenital mitral regurgitation

n.杜羅濟埃氏病 - congenital mitral stenosis

n.先天性二尖瓣狹窄和關閉不全 - congenital mitral stenosis and insufficiency

n.先天性二尖瓣狹窄 - congenital mitral stenosis duroziezs disease

n.隔膜型二尖瓣狹窄 - diaphragmatic type of mitral stenosis

n.鬆弛性二尖瓣綜合征 - floppy mitral valve syndrome

無症狀二尖瓣狹窄 - mute mitral stenosis

直視下二尖瓣切開術 - open mitral commissurotomy

n.增厚型二尖瓣狹窄 - pachynsis mitral stenosis

n.二尖瓣降落傘狀畸形 - parachute deformity of mitral valve

降落傘形僧帽瓣 - parachute mitral valve

經皮的聯合帶切開術 - percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy

n.二尖瓣成形術 - plastic surgery for mitral valve

二尖瓣後小葉 - posterior mitral leaflet

n.二尖瓣脫垂 - prolapse of mitral valve

二尖瓣脫垂綜合征 - prolapsed mitral leaflet syndrome

n.二尖瓣修補術 - repair of mitral insufficiency

n.二尖瓣閉鎖不全修補術 - repair of mitral insufficiency崑

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