n. wanderer
spider['spaidə]n. 蜘蛛;設圈套者;三腳架
Spider 蜘蛛;模蕊支架;蜘蛛程序;網絡蜘蛛;Spider Silk 蜘蛛絲;die spider 輻架;多腳架;模芯支架;spider line 交叉瞄準線;十字瞄準線;spider leno 網眼紗羅;
1.Web design?That sounds like work for a spider? 網頁設計?聽起來好像在替蜘蛛工作。
2.Spider - this solitaire uses several card decks. 蜘蛛-這紙牌使用幾個卡甲板。
3.He brought … a black widow spider, a python, a stuffed rattler, a falcon, a dwarf rabbit. 有一隻黑寡婦蜘蛛,一條''。'巨蟒'。'',一條響尾蛇標本,一隻獵鷹,一隻侏儒兔。
Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle? - 當看到蜘蛛撲向一隻蒼蠅時,一隊螞蟻抬著一隻巨大的死甲蟲凱旋歸時,誰能不感到敬畏呢?
One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six. - 人們幾乎一眼就能看出二者的差異,因為蜘蛛都是8條腿,而昆蟲的腿從不超過6條。
n. spider plate - 十字形板
n. spider knockout plate - 十字形脫模板
n. spider die - 異型孔擠壓模
n. spider plate - 星形板
n. spider knockout plate - 星形脫模板
spider cell - 蛛形細胞
nevus araneus; spider nevus; spidernevus - 蛛狀痣
spider cancer; spidercancer - 蛛狀癌
spider web; spiderweb - 蛛網
spider bite - 蜘蛛咬傷
spider venom - 蜘蛛毒
spider venom poisoning - 蜘蛛毒液中毒
nevus araneus; spider nevus; spidernevus; vascular spider - 蜘蛛痣
spider nevus; spidernevus - 血縷
n. spider knockout plate - 輻射形脫模板
蜘蛛類 - araneidae spider
蛛狀痣 - arterial spider
黑寡婦蜘蛛 - black widow spider
n.狼蛛 - venomous spider
n.血管蛛蜘痣,蜘蛛痣 - vascular spider