feu[fju:]n. 封地;永久租借vt. 准許租用土地
feu 永久租借;下伏岩層;Fuel Efficiency Upgrade;遠東大學;Feu follet 鬼火;Feu Nu 赤裸火焰;Limi Feu 山本裡美;春夏巴黎秀;純男裝風格風衣;背帶褲工裝風格;TEU FEU 二手集裝箱;
1.New record! FEU has won 12 medals at the international invention exhibition in Pittsburgh. 創紀錄!本校獲12面美國匹茲堡國際發明展獎牌。
2.Manage Proving Ground testing and all other drives and appraisals, including early experience, FEU and marketing appraisal fleets. 管理試車場測試和其它路試及鑒定,包括先期經驗,FEU和市場鑒定;
3.Fashion writers have pointed to similarities between the aesthetics of Feu and her father: they both employ dark colors large volumes layering and asymmetry in their designs. 時尚評論家指出裡美在審美方面與其父的相似之處:他們都採用深色,空間感,層疊搭配以及不對稱設計。