menfolk['menfəuk]n. 男人們
menfolk 男人們;
1.They say that their menfolk were ordered to travel to the Katyn memorial service as a backdrop for the launch of Mr Kaczynski's re-election campaign. 他們說,是卡欽斯基先生下令他們家的男人們前去參加卡廷紀念儀式,背後目的在於為他發起第二次競選運動造勢。
2.The town of Chilas, our next stop that evening, might have looked look like casting central for the Taliban, with its heavily bearded menfolk, but looks can be deceptive. 那天晚上我們到達下一個住宿點齊拉斯鎮,這裡有很多長著大鬍子的老鄉,看上去像是塔利班的老巢,但是我們不能以貌取人。
3.Fretting* over crime and violence, girlfriends and wives of gang* members in the Colombian city of Pereira have called a ban on sex to persuade their menfolk* to give up the gun. 近日,哥倫比亞佩雷拉市黑幫成員的妻子和女友們因飽受犯罪和暴力的煩擾,進行了一場「性罷工」運動,以迫使她們的男人「放下武器」。