n. post house
posthousen. 驛站;驛館
posthouse 驛站;公館/驛館;影片後制公司;驛館;dak posthouse stage 驛站;comfort inn posthouse hotel 舒宜郵局酒店;
1.At the same time, it has a long history which can be traced to the ancient roads construction-the ancient posthouse in our country. 同時,它又有著悠久的歷史淵源,在我國可以追溯到古代傳郵建築——古驛站。
2.It had become a folk communication agency paralleled to the post-house. In the end of the Qing dynasty, the traditional posthouse declined day by day. 到清末,民信局在數量上已達數千家,成為與郵驛平行的民間通信機構。
3.There was a posthouse at the foot of Taihang Mountains in ancient times. A tavern is next to the posthouse and a variety store is opposite to posthouse and tavern. 傳說古時候太行山腳下有一驛館,驛館邊有一客棧,驛館和客棧的對面是一家山貨鋪。